""Nice-looking crowd, aren't they?"
"Sure are! They´re - canine!"
She flushed.
"I'm sorry; that sounded worse than I meant it. You see, I always think of people as feline or canine, irrespective of sex."
"Which are you?"
"I'm feline. So are you. So are the most Southern men an' most of these girls here."
"What does canine imply? A certain conscious masculinity as opposed to subtlely?"
"Reckon so. I never analyzed it - only I just look at people an' say 'canine' or 'feline' right off. It´s right absurd, I guess." "
Pensamentos loucos de julgamento a priori... quem nunca?
aprioristicamente, rotulo-me felina, então, ok?
Pois é Aline, acho que alterno entre um e outro... mas você é definitivamente felina, como bem já vi uns gatinhos darem pinta no seu blog. Lindos! Beijos!